March 8, 2023

Meet the women of Keyrock

As we commemorate International Women’s Day, we would like to showcase the remarkable women of Keyrock who have been instrumental in shaping our crypto community. Their valuable expertise and distinctive capabilities have been crucial in driving the growth of our business. To delve deeper into their experiences in the cryptocurrency industry, we had the pleasure of asking them a series of questions about Keyrock and the crypto industry at large.

We first chat with Angèle Demeurant, Full-stack engineer:

What is your role at Keyrock and what drew you to work here?

As a full-stack engineer, my role is to think, design, conceive and deliver some of the technical tools necessary to run our business. The crypto and trading industry is really fascinating and I really wanted to understand and see what is going on behind that. Also, the culture and environment in Keyrock is really absolutely great. I had a feeling it was a huge opportunity to join and be part of this new transformation and I definitely don’t regret it.

What resources do you recommend for women coming into the space?
A few platforms such as Linkedin or EventBrite really help here to reach people interested in the same area. This will bring you to different events where you will meet people with different backgrounds, and that will be the most enlightening and exciting part. There are also a lot of public channels on Discord that allow you to understand how trading and the notions around it work.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself about getting into this field?
I actually wish I would have been into this field sooner – so maybe I would tell myself to be braver there. Some terms can be scary and that can slow down your interest in this field which is a shame. With all the resources out there, you definitely can learn (even slowly) and understand how things work.

Marwa Cheniour, TechOps Lead

Marwa, what has been your most memorable or proudest moment at Keyrock so far?
The market-making hackathon organized during our off-site meeting was an amazing experience. Teams were composed of members from all departments, markets, tech, business development, compliance, and finance…in a few hours, we achieved what usually takes weeks. Of course, because the requirements were simplified but also in an ideal context of communication and knowledge sharing, where each team member was able to perform in his area of expertise as well as learn from others and contribute to the team’s result. It was a real representation of the Keyrock mindset: teamwork, ownership, and passion.

What do you think about the future of this industry?
The industry demonstrates the huge potential of digital value creation, where actors like Keyrock contribute to unlocking possibilities. Keyrock will help make digital value creation sharing and storing accessible – everywhere to everyone – for better overall inclusion. This will also bring challenges in terms of ethical and responsible risk and asset management. Besides scalability, being responsible, compliant and ethics-driven will need to be the foundation of every initiative.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself about getting into this field?
– Be confident in the ability to learn despite a lack of experience in a specific industry
– Dare to ask questions and take initiatives
– Learning never stops


Cristina Duarte, Executive Assistant


Cristina, how did you get interested in crypto and blockchain industry and how did you arrive here?
Since my early days, I have been passionate about technology, finance, and economics. As I explored these areas, I became increasingly fascinated by the world of crypto and blockchain. What caught my attention the most was the potential for this technology to disrupt traditional industries and enable new forms of innovation.

The more I learned about cryptocurrency and blockchain, the more my interest grew. I found myself drawn to the economic and financial implications of these technologies, and I saw the potential for decentralization and increased financial autonomy. This potential was particularly compelling to me, as I believe that these technologies have the power to create a more equitable and accessible financial system, which can benefit everyone.

My experiences with traditional financial institutions left me dissatisfied with the status quo and motivated me to explore new alternatives. I saw the potential for crypto and blockchain to create a more transparent and efficient financial system, which is what drew me to this exciting and rapidly-evolving industry.

As I delved deeper into this field, I realized that my passion for technology, finance, and economics was a perfect match for the opportunities offered by the crypto and blockchain industry. I strongly believe that my skills and interests are well-suited to contribute to this industry and help drive its growth and development.

I am excited to continue exploring this field, learning from its leaders and experts, and identifying areas of focus and opportunities for growth. My goal is to make a meaningful contribution to this industry and help it reach its full potential.

What do you think about the future of this industry?
I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of the cryptocurrency industry, and I’m curious to know what others think. It’s such a dynamic and rapidly evolving field, with new developments and innovations happening all the time. I’m particularly interested in how institutional adoption, decentralised finance, and regulatory changes will impact the industry in the coming years. At the same time, I’m also concerned about the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies and how we can address these issues while still promoting innovation and growth. Overall, I believe that the future of the cryptocurrency industry holds both promise and challenges, and I’m excited to see how it develops over time.

Elena Spanou, Compliance Analyst

Elena, how did you get interested in crypto and the blockchain industry?
I was working for an electronic money institution previously. What led me here was my strong belief and trust that the crypto ecosystem and blockchain technologies have evolved drastically for a reason and that they are here to stay. I felt that I want to be part of it, to oversee, to be up to date and be involved with the regulatory compliance development around it. Now, my main task at Keyrock involves overseeing of regulatory developments globally for the industry and the implementation of applicable regulations to Keyrock such as MiCA.